Save Money: Hi, I’m Lulu…..

Everyone: Hi Lulu!

Save Money: And I’m a blogoholic. I started this blog to keep track of my finances and find a way to connect with other people so that I could find ways to both make and save money. I did that but then I also found sites that were not directly related to personal finance.

Now I am a blogoholic. Every day I need to check my feed (multiple times a day) to see what people are writing. I am constantly checking my spam on this blog to see if a good comment somehow got filtered into the wrong place.

If I don’t get my daily dose of blogging then I get cranky and nervous. Sometimes I know that on Fridays I may not be able to access the blogs because of school… when I get up at 6 am to get ready (in a whispering voice) I turn on the computer and head straight to the PF blogs.

I am always reading people like Jagular and Baz who are not personal finance bloggers…but they sure are funny. Humble apologies if your stuff was not meant to be funny.

I need help. I need to be able to go one day without blogs. I will read for hours and hours, sometimes to the point of getting a headache because I just HAVE TO finish that article.

I am like a crazy bunny….just hopping from blog to blog to see what’s new….what have I missed in the last 3 hours since I was on your blog.

I even read the comments that other people leave….all 73 of them.

I am developing wrist aches from being on the computer all the time. If I am watching television…then as soon as the commercials start I go back to the blogs.

Please help!