One of the best ways that I know to save money is to stack my rewards. You all know that I use cash back credit cards for all of my purchases. It makes sense that if I am going to buy something I would just use my credit card like a debit card. I make my purchases using the credit card and then pay off the card before I incur any interest or fees.

I also love using rewards sites like Swagbucks where I can earn points which I redeem for gift cards. It makes sense to combine these two methods and stack the rewards so that I can save the most money possible.

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One way I do this is for simple purchases like staples for the house. I can earn rewards for purchases made at Walmart if I go through Swagbucks first. If I need to get things like toilet paper or kitty litter I can go through those two sites and not only get the cash back from using my credit card but also earn points for using the shopping portal.

Reward card used for a sale on the computer

I know many of you will say that shopping portals make you spend more money than you want to but I have only bought the things I would normally buy from the grocery store anyway. I add things to my cart until I qualify for free shipping so that is not a factor either.