Remember to log in to your Discover card account to sign up for the extra 5% cash back. From July through September you can earn 5% on purchases on the following categories:
-Theme parks
All other purchases earn the normal rate so this is a great chance to earn some more cash back for the things you would normally purchase. Remember that you can only earn up to $300 back on your purchases but with the price of gas so high that should not be a problem.
I know I am already signed up….what are you waiting for!!!!
Awesome tip. We’ve used the cash back rewards in the past and it was always a great little way to pad your wallet or pay off a bill. Mind if I share your post on my blog?
Go ahead and share away…I welcome the potential traffic. I keep talking to people who are afraid of using credit cards and think that cash back cards are a scam. But I say once you use them responsibly WHY NOT earn some cash back!!!!!
The key is to never carry a balance and ALWAYS pay the card on time.
Yes there is some confusion about cash back credit cards. Many of us were taught that credit cards can be an evil, dangerous thing. When used responsibly, they can actually help us save money.
I’ll look into a Discover card for just the savings on gas. I have a long commute, so I need to save on gas. I don’t like using credit cards for gas, but this may save. Thanks for the tip.