Welcome to How I Save Money. I am on a quest to see how much stuff I can get from CVS without spending any extra money out of my pocket.

I had a crazy time at CVS today with horrible customer service, but I managed to get all the stuff in the pictures for $1.23!!!

Transaction 1

Item:Colgate toothpaste and toothbrush

Price: $5 for two

CVS Extra Care Bucks earned: $2.00

Coupon used: $1+$1+$0.75


Price: $9.99

CVS Extra Care Bucks earned: $5.00

Coupon used: $4.00

Item:Cover Girl Makeup

Price: $5.49

CVS Extra Care Bucks earned: $5.79

Coupon used: $1 off

Item:Lip Gloss

Price: $5.49

CVS Extra Care Bucks earned: $0

Coupon used: $Buy One Get One Free Cover Girl+ $11.99 ECB off entire transaction

Final cost for all items after tax: $1.23

Total out of pocket today: $0.00

Total CVS Extra Care Bucks earned today: $12.79

Total out of pocket to date: $139.14

Gift Card used to date: $3.55

Gift Card balance left to date: $2.45

Total CVS Extra Care Bucks earned to date: $284.52

CVS Extra Care Bucks Used to date: $271.73

CVS Extra Care Bucks Balance to date: $12.79

Join me next time as I look for more ways to save money as I visit CVS.