I got a free tetanus shot from work in just three easy steps. This was after an incident that occurred at work a few days ago.
Step 1: Get scratched by a student
Step 2: File worker’s compensation
Step 3: Get tetanus shot
I work at an alternative school for students with behavior problems (and emotional disturbances). We got a new student in who is really, REALLY disturbed. She started acting up and I was called in as the Special Education representative to deal with her.
The student was slapping, kicking, trying to bite and scratching other teachers. When I tried to restrain her, she ended up digging her nails into my skin. She drew blood in two small scratches (she is a tiny, elementary school student) but I was told I needed to fill out the worker’s compensation forms.
So I got sent to the clinic where they looked at the scratches, disinfected them and covered them with fresh bandages and antibiotic ointment and gave me a tetanus shot.
I also got some bandaids and ointment to take home…and all of this was FREE!!!!
So if you are looking for a tetanus shot then you might want to go ahead and get scratched by a student. Just kidding! Be safe at work everyone….and Merry Christmas!
If it’s any consolation, I got a free tetanus shot, along with a Hep B series and two free HIV tests (I worked at a hospital). That was fun 🙂
Merry Christmas!
moneyloveandchange’s last blog post..No shopping in stores for us this weekend!
You got more shots than I did so I guess I should be happy.
Why on earth would you want a free tetanus shot?
I did not WANT the shot…I had to go get one because of what happened.
It was meant as a joke…I guess you did not get that part.