Last month I began an effort to declutter and I changed the way I used my hand soap. I thought I would give you an update since it has been one month since started this attempt.
The soaps I used last month were Ghoul Friend, in the bathroom and Poolside Punch, in the kitchen.
Soap usage
- Bathroom soap is about halfway
- Kitchen soap is almost full
After one month of use I am about halfway through the bathroom soap. I have not even made a dent in the kitchen soap. Now before you shudder at the thought of me not washing my hands in the kitchen, let me explain.
I wear gloves when doing anything in the kitchen that does not involve cooking. So when I clean or wash dishes I am wearing gloves. I do not wear gloves when cooking and that is the time I actually wash my hands using the hand soap.
I also have a habit of grabbing the dish washing liquid to wash my hands since that is what I did before I started buying soaps specifically for the kitchen. To combat this, I will move the dish washing liquid to the other side of the sink where I cannot easily reach for it. This will force me to use the soap instead!
How cool. Many would consider hand soap way down the list of things to address when it comes to clutter, but really, it always seems to start with the little things and then grow, so by addressing this you could very well be setting behaviors that will help you with bigger changes as time goes on.
I agree, small steps are the way to get you into the mindset of making bigger changes later!
I just have too many soaps anyway since I went a little crazy during the sales.