Welcome to  tracking of income and expenses for the month. Please note that I get paid on the last day of the month so my cash flow net effect will usually be negative until the last day of the month.

This does not mean that I am adding to my debt, it just means that the money coming in is less than the money going out because bills are due starting on the first but I don’t get paid until the last day.

twentyIncome for the month to date: $8.21

Expenses for the month to date: $1705.52

Net effect: -$1697.31

Since the last posting I spent $40.01 on some items for the house and a few items for Dinero.  Here are some of the latest items that I got him:

* covered litter box

* more clumping kitty litter

* flea collar

* wet food

I spent $14.65 on gas since I had to go out of town to get my computer fixed since it died on me last week. I filled my tank up but I am currently at slightly below a half tank now, which means I will need to get again next week.

I also got a (five….five dollar….five dollar footlong) sandwich from Subway that was my lunch on Sunday and on Monday.

I put $10 in church and ‘paid’ $70 on my car insurance for the month. I put paid in quotation marks because I paid the balance of the insurance for the rest of the year but I am continuing to take it out of the budget on a monthly basis.

I will see you guys and gals later as I continue my journey to save money and become debt free!!!!