Welcome to tracking of income and expenses for the month. Please note that I get paid on the last day of the month so my cash flow net effect will usually be negative until the last day of the month.
This does not mean that I am adding to my debt, it just means that the money coming in is less than the money going out because bills are due starting on the first but I don’t get paid until the last day.
Income for the month to date: $99.59
Expenses for the month to date: $2264.46
Net effect: -$2164.87
Since the last posting I spent $15.41 on gas because I had to go out of town for a LOVELY weekend. I am going to go over my food budget because I spent money to buy food while I was out of town. 🙂
I think the rest of the budget will be better because I have been below every category for the last few days. This means I will have some extra money to send over as a snowflake payment to a credit card and I can bring down my debt.
I will see you guys and gals later as I continue my journey to save money and become debt free!!!!
I admire those that put their finances online. Though I am not jealous of your $2264.46 in expenses. Your cash flow accounting method of budgeting is a new strategy I’ve never seen before. I look forward to seeing how everything comes out.
@ The Weakonimist
My ‘expenses’ include bills and food and personal spending. I lump ALL outgoing money as expenses since I have a zero based budget.
Compared to the last post on “Tracking your finances”, you’ve actually had a deficit on the total expenses for the month. Whilst in the previous month,we saw you spend just $8 on grocery. I think you should cut down as much as you can.
All the best Mon
@ Current Accounts
I am not sure where you are getting your figures from with the $8 on groceries. Last month I spent $108.76 on groceries for the month and this month so far I have spent $114.62, with $16.65 spent on the first day. I did not post figures for every single day…I usually post about finances once a week but I go shopping twice a week. 🙂
Good for you! I, too, and very interested in how you’re tracking your finances. Keep us in the loop! 🙂
Trevor @ The Financial Nut’s last blog post..We’ve averaged $125 Per Month In Car Repairs During The Past 9 Months