I’ve been using Ebates for saving and making money recently. I actually had joined the service a long time ago but was a bit suspicious.
(If you are not reading this post at www.howisavemoney.net or in your feed reader, it may have been stolen from my site.)
I did not use the system for a long time for two main reasons:
–I already had other cash back systems
–I was not sure how Ebates could afford to do what they did.

Now fast forward to 2019 and I love using Ebates for saving and making money.
The system is very simple. You just activate the widget if using a browser or link offers if using the in store app. Then when you make a purchase you get a percentage of your purchase back.
I don’t spend more
Contrary to what some may believe, I do not use buy more just because of Ebates. Luckily it works at Walmart which is where I do the bulk of my shopping.
I make sure to activate my ebates every time I order things online at Walmart to make sure I get a portion back. Even if the cash back is only 1% I still make sure to activate Ebates.
I get a portion of everything from buying winter clothes from JC Penney to buying toilet paper at Walmart. The cash back is then redeemed to me via Paypal once it reaches the allotted amount.
If you want to sign up all you have to do is click one of my links or the big image above. You can sign up for your own free account to start saving and making money as well. You can also get referrals once you have your own account.
(The images and links within this post may contain affiliate links. I may receive compensation if you use the affiliate links to purchase items. This may be a referral bonus or a future discount on my purchases.)
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