I saved money on shipping when ordering some candles from Bath and Body Works. I love candles and really they are my weakness. This shopping trip I was able to save money on shipping.
(If you are not reading this post at www.howisavemoney.net or in your feed reader, it may have been stolen from my site.)
Bath and Body Works frequently has sales on candles. They also offer free shipping sometimes, but not always when there is a sale. The candles are quite expensive at over $25 regular price so I usually wait for the sales. I also love to save even when spending so I try to pair a sale with free shipping.
They just had candles set at $12.95 each with FREE shipping. This means I got a discounted price and saved money on shipping as well.

I purchased a total of six candles this time. With the taxes included and with the shipping taken off, the total came to $82.37. This means my effective price per candle was $13.73 and I love that. Any time I can get the three wick candles under $15 I am a happy camper.
Do you shop at Bath and Body Works or anywhere else and wait for free shipping?
overseas shipping cost a lot. this is where I choose dropshipping over Amazon. Good to know how you have saved money.