On this trip I paid $0.00 out of pocket for $7.98 worth of items. I am down to a very small balance on the gift card and I have decided that when that runs out I will not be going to CVS for the rest of the year.

I really made myself mad when I spent actual money at CVS and broke my streak of trying to go a whole year with only one gift card, ECBs and coupons. I will be restarting my year fresh with a new gift card and this time I will really go one whole year without spending anything out of pocket.

Transaction 1

Item: Colgate toothpaste

Price: $7.98 for 2

CVS Extra Care Bucks earned: $2.00 + $1ECB for scanning reusable shopping bag

MFR Coupon used: $0.00

Total coupons used: $5.99 ECB

Total paid today: $1.99 , on gift card.

Total CVS Extra Care Bucks earned today: $3.00

Total out of pocket to date: $15.84

Gift Card balance : $4.60

Total CVS Extra Care Bucks earned to date: $156.43

CVS Extra Care Bucks Used to date: $153.43

CVS Extra Care Bucks Balance: $3.00

Abbreviations used

MFR = manufacturer coupon

ECB = extra care bucks

Join me next time as I look for more ways to save money as I visit CVS.