Welcome to How I Save Money. I am on a quest to see how much stuff I can get from CVS without spending any extra money out of my pocket.
Transaction 1
Item: Colgate Total Advanced (yes I know I have tons of toothpaste but this was FREE)
Price: $2.99
CVS Extra Care Bucks earned:$2.00
Coupon used:$1.00 off (so the item was FREE)
Item:Instant Energy Drink
CVS Extra Care Bucks earned:$4.99
Coupon used:$0.19 from gift card
Total out of pocket today: $0.00
Total CVS Extra Care Bucks earned today: $6.99
Total out of pocket to date: $95.34
Total CVS Extra Care Bucks earned to date: $170.30
CVS Extra Care Bucks Used to date: $123.05
CVS Extra Care Bucks Balance to date: $47.25
I am going to give the energy drink to Baz because he works so hard on the back end of this blog to keep it running for me. He stays up late doing other things and then takes caffeine pills to stay awake so this power drink will really help him.
Join me next week as I look for more ways to save money as I visit CVS.
Hey, nice blog :). Not related to saving money, but those little energy drinks… what are they like? Thinking about trying them but haven’t yet. The idea of the caffeine without the sugar of my soda sounds very tempting… Just nosey!
I have not tasted the shots because I will be giving them away. I do not think I do well with lots of caffeine…it makes me feel crazy.
I drink a lot of coffee and tea so I tend to stay away from other caffeine.