Welcome to How I Save Money. My birthday was in the middle of July but over the last weekend I got my birthday gifts from my wonderful sweetheart!!!!!

They are a few days late due to lots of things happening but hey better late than never.

He gave me exactly what I wanted….awwwwww. I took a few pictures with my crappy camera phone so I could have some real images on the site.

Garmin GPS

I got a Garmin GPS because I am so horrible with directions.

I get lost everywhere…even in the parking lot of WalMart. I have no sense of direction and ever since I borrowed his GPS I have been in love. He was kind enough to upload the newest maps for me so that I will have the most up to date information for when I am driving.

I cannot tell you guys and gals how much of a lifesaver this GPS has been for me. I have been driving back and forth to the hospital to take my mother in for treatment and there is quite a bit of construction going on in the area.

There have been a few detours and sometimes I miss them because the traffic is heavy and I do not have time to get into the proper lane when I need to.

With my Garmin GPS system I can quickly find the next exit I need to take to get where I need to go. I still check the directions on Google before I set out and compare them to the GPS when I can just to make sure I am not taking some unimaginably long convoluted route that would cost me more in gas.

I know this is a very practical gift but it is something I have wanted for a long time. The next thing I got was not practical but it was something I wanted for a long time as well.

Fabulosity Perfume

Now here is where I got a little bit girly. I got a sample of this perfume by Kimora Lee Simmons called Fabulosity and I just fell in love. The scent is sweet without being overpowering and the bottle is so pretty it makes me feel dainty.

I have been wearing the same perfume for YEARS and it is time I got something a little bit more modern to go along with my grown up self. Right now the bottle has the place of honor on my little table and I can’t wait to wear the perfume when I go out.

Sandisk Portable Music Player

Again this appeals my geeky side I guess but I would rather have a few things that are practical as well as fun. This nifty little gadget not only plays mp3s but it also plays video AND has a radio tuner. It records voice so I can have TONS of fun recording silly messages to myself…as well as serious ones about a blog post topic on ways to save money.

The thing I like the most about this player is that it is easy to use. I can drag and drop the songs directly from my computer and it takes about three steps to transfer videos to the device.