I recently wrote about my My Top 5 Favorite Things In Pictures and then realized that I had a few more that I wanted to add to the post.
1. My Pet: I have a cat and he is currently the love of my life. He welcomes me home (well as much as cats do) and is just a furry bundle of joy to play with when he is in the mood.
I have gotten mad at him at times (scratched furniture, peed on pillow) but now I cannot imagine my life without him.
2. My extra bathroom. Yes I have two bathrooms but I love my privacy and it really comes in handy when I have someone over.
Currently the cat’s litter boxes (yes he has two bathrooms too!!!) are in the second bathroom so none of that stuff gets in my way when I need the bathroom.
taken from luxuryproperty.com
This is obviously NOT my second bathroom…it would be my MAIN bathroom if I had the money!!!!!!
3. LASIK. I cannot tell you how happy I have been since I got LASIK. I can see and that is great for me.
LASIK is not for everyone but it worked out for me and after years of needing to wear glasses or contacts I cannot begin to explain how it feels to wake up in the morning and just be able to see.
4. Rewards Credit Card. Spend money…pay card…earn rewards. Enough said.
5. Dual shower heads. I have always loved having a larger than normal shower head or one with different adjustable jets so picking up this darling was just right for me. It comes with a central shower head that has different jets and it can be removed and used as a handheld shower, while the outer part gives off a wide spray. Bathroom bliss!!!
I am disappointed that you missed listing your cat as one of your favorite things. I have 2 cats and I would be sure to list them right up there in the top 5. I also have a maine coon that looks similar to your cat. His name is Dinero?
Yes his name is Dinero (for all the money I spent on him!!!!!!) and he used to ‘write’ guest posts here on the blog.
That picture makes me think of my own cat… and, I was going to say that that is one HUGE bathroom!
I’ve been considering Lasik, but I’ve heard stories who lost their night vision or otherwise had trouble seeing in certain situations afterwards. How has your experience been?
My experience has been great. You can read more of my LASIK posts if you click on the word LASIK in the word cloud off to right of the posts.
Does having a dual showerhead increase your water bill?
I have not noticed an increase in my water bill…but then again I live in an apartment and my bill is the average of what the entire complex uses. My bill ranged from $43 to $53 before I got the dual shower heads and it is the same now after.
One thing to note is that the dual heads are in a low flow system so while they give out water over a wider area than the old shower head it is the same volume or less.
I immediately said, “Woah!” when I saw your bathroom…until I found out it wasn’t yours! It’s okay someday we can have the money to remodel a luxury home bathroom like that!
Does having a dual showerhead increase your water bill? :/
ooohh dual shower head for the win. I love mine, i’ve got a huge shower and the dual heads are just fantastic! Glad you listed that one.