Even with the crazy Christmas spending and the unexpected bills I still managed to come out in the BLACK this December….by $27.63. Woo hoo!!!!
I spent $48.08 on gas this month, leaving me with $16.92 in the gas budget. I know this does not seem like a lot but I only made one trip out of town this month, when I usually make two. Also, I was at home for the last two weeks of the month since school is closed. My gas budget will remain as is because during the summer time I use more of the budget.
I overspent on food this month, even with getting the wisdom tooth taken out because I bought a lot of things that I do not usually buy and I was over the food budget by $10.01. I did manage to save $17.25 by using coupons this month and as I did not buy the newspaper this month, those were rollover coupons from previous months.
I got a total of $15.05 from Lending Club and $8.29 from Prosper from people who were repaying the loans I made to them on those sites. I plan on investing more in Lending Club in 2010 so that I can get more returns and hopefully get to the point where the money that is repaid is enough to fund a new loan.
January is ‘supposed’ to be a No Spend Month and I am going to see how that works. Apart from paying bills I am supposed to spend as little as possible during the month. This means eating out of my pantry and only spending when I generate money. I am taking the word generate rather loosely and will be including both the money generated from Adsense daily and the money I get from Prosper and Lending Club in the money available to spend. I will also use things like gift cards that I receive as money that is generated because I think I will lose my mind if I cannot ‘spend’ for the month. I did not stock up to prepare for January…as part of the rules of the No Spend Month were to use what you have and to NOT stock up.
I joined the Million Dollar Club back in October of this year and part of the challenge was for me to save a dollar a day. This means that every month I will be saving $31 (yes I know some months have less than 31 days but I am using ING and that just makes it easier to do it this way) and putting that in my Never Go Back To Fresno Account. I have already started this December but it will ‘officially’ start in January. So at the end of the year I will have $372 plus interest and it is all done automatically.
I have modified my Zero Based Budget, I tweaked my budget and automated my finances to the best of my ability and I look forward to 2010 to being more financially fit!!!!
Good luck! I haven’t been under my gas budget in months, so I had to bump mine up by $25 this month.
I live very close to my work, one mile from Walmart and about three miles from church and those are the main places I drive during the week, so it is easy for me to stay under my gas budget normally. Even with making one trip to the ‘big city’ during the month I usually only have to fill up twice….so I am averaging about $45 for gas per month.
To be in the black after december, even it is by a relatively teensy amount, is definitely a great positive. What a way to start the new year. Living within your means and not unnecessarily spending just for the sake of it is one of the things most millionaires have in common. Here’s to a finacially fit 2010!