I’ve been wasting food and I am sad this happened. Recently I have been purchasing more fresh foods. Even though I purchased them to eat I have not been using everything up.
(If you are not reading this post at www.howisavemoney.net or in your feed reader, it may have been stolen from my site.)
I would buy fruits and vegetables in bulk or get them on sale so I could save money. So why did I move to buying more fresh fruits and vegetables?
This is in an effort to eat healthier as I
-have gained some weight
-am getting older
-had a health scare
I did not purposely set out with the goal of wasting food. It is just something I noticed over the last couple of weeks.
Mushrooms would stay in the fridge and get watery or grow mold. Bananas would go brown….I can only eat them semi-green. Tomatoes would go mushy and so on.
This situation upset me because I feel bad about wasting food so much. I am trying to be better this month, especially since this is the start of a new month.
Throwing away spoiled food means I am still hungry and have to replace those items. That is akin to simply throwing my money away. Throwing money away is NOT saving money.
In fact it negates any saving I may have gotten from buying in bulk or buying on sale.
Steps I can take to avoid wasting food:
-buy smaller portions
-plan meals
-plan snacks
Following these simple steps should help me to use my food before it goes bad. This way I can avoid having food spoilage.
What do you do to avoid wasting food?
Plan meals around your vegetables. Have fruit at every meal. Instead of leaving it put away until the meal is done, put it out when you dish out your portions or before you sit down and don’t put it away until you’ve had some.
Yeah getting back into PLANNING is the key. I’ve been really scatterbrained and usually don’t plan past two days and that is why by the end of the week I have food spoilage.