Every Friday I post about my finances for the week in an effort to monitor my income and expenses. I used to post all of the actual figures but I have recently decided to stop doing this.

I will now post SOME of my actual expenses and leave the rest to your imagination. All income and expenses are recorded in Mint and any amounts are rolled over into the next month.

This week my expenses were:

$16.93 on food. I think I spend more on food when I make all these small trips during the week. I actually grew up making a really large grocery store run at the end of the month when my mother got paid. We really stocked up on everything and then really only needed to get bread during the week.

I stopped doing the large grocery runs due to limited space from being back in school and having to share a fridge with someone. I think I am spending a lot more on these frequent runs because I tend to buy something that is not on the list. I will have to go back to the old way of shopping next month to see if I can cut down.