So I have an announcement to make because I have been keeping a little secret from you guys and gals. I have moved on to a new stage of my life and it is a REALLY big deal for me after some of what I went through in the last year.

Some of you may know that I lost my job last year and then went through a very tough time after that. I won’t go into all the details of the last twelve months but I am finally ready to let you know what I have been doing.

I am currently in school working on a PhD in finance (what else!!!!) and today marks my first month of being back in school after a long time.

I am VERY happy now because it feels like I have finally gotten some direction in life once again and it feels great to be doing something. It is also something that I enjoy and I know that school will be tough but it is worth it to me.

I will begin doing the weekly financial check ups again although I am on a very limited income since I am once again a full time student. I will barely have any income but I guess this means I have to now adjust to living on a shoestring because we all know how broke college students can get.

I can’t reveal the details of my program that I am in but it is a great program at an awesome school and the job prospects look amazing based on what prior graduates have been able to get when they are done.

So that is it. I am still a little bit in shock because I did not think this day would come. The program is very rigorous and I have a few years of very hard work ahead of me. But I feel like God has given me this great opportunity at the end of my trials so that just makes me appreciate it even more.

I thank you all for supporting me when I was going through my dark period and also thank you for staying loyal to the blog even though I was not posting as much as I used to. I am BACK now with a vengeance and I hope you will stick with me on this new phase of my life!!!!