This blog is mainly about how I find ways to save money and I have tried a LOT of different things in the past. I read other blogs to look for tips on things I can do to reduce my expenses so that I can work on reducing debt and building wealth.

I have found a few frugal tips out that have been great and there also a few that really freak me out!!!! I decided to start a little series of Frugal Tips That I will NOT try so you can get a better idea of some of the things I think are too extreme.

One of the tips that I will not follow is Taking Cold Showers Year Round. I grew up in a warm climate and I really hate to be cold. One of the ways that frugal people claim they save money is by taking cold showers all the time.

Yes, even in the middle of winter!!!!

It is now about 38 degrees where I live and I can tell you right off the bat that I will NOT be freezing in the shower, trying to save some money. I know it costs money to run the water heater to get my shower warm (in my case HOT) but it is worth it to me to be comfortable for the short time I am in there.

Yes I will turn the thermostat down a bit and wear a sweater inside but I simply refuse to attempt to shower in ice cold water.