April was a very crazy month for me financially, emotionally and health wise. I had surgery that month so the cash flows for the month were really crazy and even after getting my Adsense and other advertising money I ended up $1905.02 in the RED!!!!!

I had the money in savings to cover all the additional spending but the flow of cash (actually credit since I don’t use cash) was much greater


because of the high bills. I am still waiting on the bill from the anesthesia from my surgery but based on experiences from the last time I knowthat it will take while before I see the last of the medical bills.

Some areas where I underspent:
-Home (includes rent and water)

Some areas where I overspent:
-Health (due to my surgery)
-Household items

img. from learningfolder.net

Again I would like you to know that I was not over my budget in reality….I just spent more than the income for the month so I had to take cash out of the funds in savings to cover some areas. This money did not come out of my long term savings like the Emergency Fund but rather came out of the Irregular expenses Funds and Health Savings Accounts.

I managed to redeem $8.54 in coupons which is a high amount for me but then I also bought two newspapers at a cost of $6, meaning that I came out only $2.54 ahead in coupon savings this month.

Coupon purchase to date: $12.00
Coupon redemption to date: $17.54
Net coupon use to date:$5.74 gain

I am sure that in April I will do better because I will not have those massive medical costs to deal with any more. I only have to work the first week in June so hopefully that will cut down on spending in that month as well…although it will mean that my electric bill will get higher as I am in the house more.

It will take a few months of being in the black to make up for this big amount in April but I am sure that by watching my spending I can end the year in the black!!!