Welcome to How I Save Money and tracking of income and expenses for the month.

Income for the month to date: $42.00

Expenses for the month to date: $1810.90

Net effect: -$1768.90

This month I ended up going over my dining out budget because I took Baz out to dinner for his birthday. It was money well spent since we went to Red Lobster and that is my favorite place to eat.

Electricity came in at $67.25 which is still below the budgeted amount of $75 for the month. The reason the electricity bill is higher this month is that the air conditioning has been on since mother is in the house all day.  Normally I would just have the fan in my room going but she has the fan in her room as well, in addition to the cold air being set around 80. It has been in the high 90s in Texas so the air is running almost constantly to keep the temperature at about 80, while the fans circulate.

I will see you guys and gals later as I continue my journey to save money and become debt free!!!!