Tag: tuition

Friday Finances: June 2014, Week 1

Every Friday I post about my finances for the week in an effort to monitor my income and expenses. I used to post all of the actual figures but I have recently decided to stop doing this. I will now post SOME of my actual expenses and leave the rest to your imagination. This week my expenses were: $59.31 on various household...

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Weekly Financial Check Up: June Week 5

Every Friday I post on my weekly income and expenses in an effort to keep on track of my budget for the month. By breaking down my transactions on a weekly basis I can see where my money is going and see if I am going to be able to stay under my total budget for the month. I spent $641 on plane tickets for a class that I am...

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Summer Tuition Is Coming Up!!

I will be taking two classes in summer session one and in session two as well. This means I will soon have to pay tuition and although the money is in a separate account where it does not count as part of my monthly budget, it is still a chunk of cash out of my account. I know this is an investment in my future but it is also...

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How I Pay My Bills

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back