I just took a look at my free credit report and credit score from Experian, via Quizzle and saw that my reported score was 740. Quizzle provides you with one free credit report every 180 days so that you can monitor how creditors see you. I love that the free service also tracks your credit score so you can see the trends in your score over time.
I was a bit confused to see that some accounts that I had closed were still showing up on the report but they had the notation ‘account closed at customer’s request’ so I guess they will drop off in a few years.
Thank you for posting this! I just checked my credit score as well at the website. Mine is 640, a lot lower then yours but at least its not horrible.
Thanks for the website alert!
You are very welcome…remember to keep checking where it says you can get a new report and print it out if you can so you can keep up to date on your credit history as well.
I have stuff on my credit report that has been closed for years – I think it stays on forever. That’s why it’s important to make sure closed accounts say they were closed at your request.
Cool site – I’m enjoying reading about your experiences and tips!
It doesn’t hurt if we check our credit scores every now and then, be conscious of our score. Yeah, thanks for posting this.