Welcome to Money Mondays!

(If you are not reading this post at www.howisavemoney.net or in your feed reader, it may have been stolen from my site.)

I used to post my financial inflows and outflows on Fridays in the past but I decided to move this to Mondays instead. I normally go grocery shopping on Sundays after church. Now I  will post the last week’s worth of financial inflows and outflows on Monday so that I can include the weekend spending as well.

This week my financial outflows were:

$11.35 on movie tickets with other PhD students. We have had a rough time the last few days and decided to go out and have some fun. This is coming out of my ‘Fun’ budget so it affects my cash flow but not my savings. Remember the Fun budget is a sinking fund where I deposit money every month, regardless of spending. It builds up until I decide to have some fun and then I use whatever is in there to go buck wild!

$54.77 on household items that are separate from food. I needed to get kitty litter as well since I am on the last bag. One bag lasts me two weeks and I try to have a spare on hand at all times.

$391.56 for my six month insurance policy on my car. Now that is paid I don’t have to think about it for another 6 months. The only thing is that it makes my zero based budget for the month look bad. The amount then needs to be spread over the next six months so that the category goes back to being on track.